Commercial Laundry Los Angeles

Pickup & Delivery & Laundry Facts

August 25, 2020

Commercial Laundry: Outsourcing Laundry Improves Operations

There are businesses which deal with customers every day, such as hotels, restaurants, inns, etc. Commercial laundry helps these businesses in a lot of ways.

How It Works Laptop Min 1

Pickup & Delivery

May 05, 2020

How It Works

Laundry pickup and delivery services could not be any easier! Your first step is creating an account with us, which takes one minute to complete. Once you have an account, all you need to do is let us know if you want us to pick up your laundry on Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Saturday.

Girl Holding Pile Of Washed And Ironed Clothes Min Min Min

Pickup & Delivery

February 26, 2020

Top 5 Reasons To Choose Laundry Pickup and Delivery Services

The following is a list of the top five reasons why you should choose Alligator Laundry for your laundry pickup and delivery services.